

What is Sagittarius Zodiac Sign?

“Truth lovers”, this is the best word to describe you. You like to be fair with one and all and do not like shallow people and thoughts around you. You are sensible and caring but there is a fair amount of ego in you which is the dividing line between you and rest of the people. You are misunderstood many times due to this.  You may gain weight in your later years. You are religious but not run blindly after religion. In life, you will gain many good things and the things required for a good life. You require your own space in every relationship. You love your parents a lot.

When do Sagittarius Birthdays fall?

You are a Sagittarian if your birthday falls between November 22 - December 21 according to western astrology.

Sagittarius love Horoscope

1. **Sagittarius and Aries:**- This is a dynamic and adventurous match. Both signs share a love for freedom and new experiences. They can have an exciting and passionate relationship. 2. **Sagittarius and Taurus:**- This can be a challenging match. Taurus is practical and grounded, while Sagittarius seeks adventure. They may need to find common interests to make the relationship work. 3. **Sagittarius and Gemini:**- This is a harmonious match. Both signs enjoy socializing and intellectual purs...

Sagittarius relation Horoscope

1. **Sagittarius and Aries:**- This is a dynamic and adventurous match. Both signs share a love for freedom and new experiences. They can have an exciting and passionate relationship. 2. **Sagittarius and Taurus:**- This can be a challenging match. Taurus is practical and grounded, while Sagittarius seeks adventure. They may need to find common interests to make the relationship work. 3. **Sagittarius and Gemini:**- This is a harmonious match. Both signs enjoy socializing and intellectual purs...

Sagittarius lalkitab Horoscope

Life for Sagittarius: Sagittarius individuals, as per Lal Kitab astrology, lead a life full of adventure and enthusiasm. They are known for their optimism, which often helps them overcome life's challenges. These individuals have a strong desire for exploration and growth. They are guided by a strong moral compass and a sense of justice. Sagittarians seek freedom and independence, and their lives are often marked by a quest for knowledge, making them lifelong learners. Relationships for Sagitta...

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

You will maintain good health. There shall be no physical ailments. You will actively participate in outdoor group activities. Despite of hectic day you will be able to retain high energy.
